Hessen Mobil
Hessen Mobil has chosen Teleste’s S-VMX Video Management System for the integration of Video into a new powerful SCADA system “HELiS” with a unified monitoring and operator interface for all road tunnels in Hesse. HELiS with S-VMX was first implemented in a tunnel in 2013 and Hessen Mobil decided to equip every new tunnel and the tunnel control center in Eschwege with this system.
Customer need
Road tunnels in Germany with a tube length of more than 400 meters require continuous monitoring by a permanently manned location. In Hessen this challenging task is carried out by the dispatchers of the tunnel control centre in Eschwege, on behalf of Hessen Mobil. The planned expansion of the Hessian tunnel landscape, particularly in connection with the construction of the Autobahn A44, made it necessary to redesign the monitoring systems in the tunnel control centre.
- With a decentralised video solution complemented by central redundancy components, the safety and convenience of the users of street tunnels is improved by easy and more efficient monitoring of tunnels and incidents by the operators in the tunnel control centre.
- Easy integration of video system and components via open XML interface into the central SCADA systems (HELiS), including operation of cameras, recorders, video display and a wall of monitors.
- Reliable and safe operation by sophisticated S-VMX software with long lifecycles and competent software service.
Solution to customer’s need
Installation sites for the system include road tunnels and monitoring centres. The system runs on a variety of underlying physical networks, including Gigabit Ethernet over SM fibre, SDH and PDH. It also includes miscellaneous network equipment, including CISCO Catalyst series equipment supporting multicast and SNMP-based performance monitoring.
- The video application is a true distributed, fully scalable, 3-tier system. The application operates in an integrated mode (HELiS) or native mode (using Teleste S-VMX Clients). It includes decentralised recording and allows central playback and archiving.
- Teleste S-VMX is integrated into the SCADA system, with HELiS video : the Teleste S-VMX Client as the front end, underlying safety, security and automation systems, analogue CCTV: video matrices and motorised camera units, 24/7 operation and performance monitoring.
- The system enables remote monitoring, diagnostics, support and maintenance, and remote control of CCTV components: matrices, quad, motorised P/T/Z/F camera units and dome cameras.
- H.264 and MPEG-4 (for analogue cameras) video streaming devices include a comprehensive video recording and storage capacity. System arbitration for fluent multi-client operations at several control sites.
- The heart of the video system is the Teleste S-VMX video management, recording and storage solution. The S-VMX solution is based on a distributed architecture that makes it possible to place servers and other components at any location within the network.
- Total number of cameras: ~250
- Number of recorded channels: ~250
- Number of HW decoding channels: ~32
- Number of SW decoding channels: ~64
- Number of S-VMX Clients: ~10
- Number of XML SCADA interfaces: ~5 (WinCC OA)
Benefits achieved
The project is a standardised solution that enables IP-based video systems in tunnels, as well as in the tunnel control centre, to monitor traffic flow in tunnels. The combination of the well-defined functionality of the system modules and open XML-interfaces provides a solid base for a scalable, distributed system complete with redundancy functions.