Fluent maintenance services to Mantena AS in Norway
Teleste has delivered passenger information systems to over 100 Flirt trains in Norway since 2009. Since 2015, Mantena has taken care of the maintenance services of Teleste systems in these trains.
Mantena AS is a Norwegian state-owned limited company with a number of maintenance locations in Norway and Sweden that service trains and their components. Mantena has comprehensive expertise in the maintenance and logistics management of all types of rolling stock, from traditional diesel locomotives to modern high-speed trains, and from heavy freight trains to light track maintenance vehicles.
Customer need
Mantena takes care of a wide range of maintenance activities, and therefore needs to have fast expert support available for Teleste’s passenger information systems. The expectation is that Teleste will provide excellent services with clear procedures and tailored services in order to fulfil maintenance needs, and speed up maintenance work.
Solution to customer’s need
In 2015, Mantena and Teleste signed a service agreement, which has been extended annually since then. The agreement covers service procedures and processes, prices and commercial terms for spare parts and repair services, training services and technical support. It was important to design tailored services for Mantena in order to deliver fluent services and excellent customer experiences.

Benefits achieved
The annual service agreement between Mantena and Teleste has been in use for several years now, and according to our experience, the agreement has clearly enhanced and clarified all services compared to when dealing with single inquiry services. There is no need to negotiate commercial terms or prices, for example, each time spare parts are needed or devices need to be repaired.
Benefits from the service agreement:
- Eliminates routine work through commonly agreed-upon operating principles and performance-based pricing models for standard repairs
- Streamlined spare part delivery process with agreed-upon pricing models
- Reduced turnaround time for repairs due to standardized processes
- Continuous development of working processes
Every company has different ERP systems and different procedures; therefore, smooth operations and services require continuous co-operation and development together. Daily service operations have shown that when experiences and improvement ideas are shared, better ways of working can be developed and taken into use. According to Mantena, the annual service agreement has been an excellent choice in ensuring fluent services for passenger information systems.