Principles concerning diversity of the Board of Directors
Teleste has established principles concerning the diversity of the Board of Directors, taking into account the extent of the company’s business and the needs related to its phase of development. Teleste’s Board of Directors adopted the diversity principles concerning the Board of Directors on 10 August 2016.
It is in the interests of Teleste and its shareholders that Teleste’s Board of Directors is composed of people with different educational and professional backgrounds and international experience, and that Board members have complementary expertise and knowledge in different topics, such as Teleste’s field of business and the related technologies, risk management, and international sales and marketing. Teleste’s objective is that both genders are represented in the Board of Directors.
Teleste has a shareholders nomination committee that comprises three (3) members who represent the company’s three largest shareholders calculated on the basis of all shares conferred by the company on 30 August preceding the next annual general meeting.
The Annual General Meeting held on 11 April 2024 elected six members to the Board of Directors, four men and two women. All Board members have a degree in technology or business. All the other above factors and characteristics relevant to diversity were also represented in the Board of Directors in 2023.
Updated 2024